: about him .

: miss aqw smaa dea huhu seriuss nee *** ndatao lh npa aqw jahat smaa dea huhu tp aqw bkn utk dea bh , ada some1 lg perlukn dea dr aqw hoho aqw bersalah sbb aqw jd diantara dea n gf dea huhu jahat kn aqw huhu aqw pikir2 lbh bek aqw  jauhkn diri dr dea , lao aqw trs2 smaa dea aqw sndiir yg trseksaa , n aqw ndamao dea terlukaa slmaa gn aqw huhu slama aqw smaa dea aqw btl2 rsaa aqw ne org k3 diantara dea sma gf dea * lgpn aqw tao dea btl2 syg gn gf nyaaa even dea blg gf dea nda kontek dea lg huhu ^^ buktinyaa dea syg sma gf dea ialah dea still tgu gf dea even gf dea ignore dea huhu ^^   
salahka? if I want to love you ! ! . .
only u in my heart now ! ! . .
you take my heart and you just go like that ! ! . .
I am really disappointed with you my ! ! !
o(╥﹏╥)o o(╥﹏╥)o o(╥﹏╥)o o(╥﹏╥)o  <---- ne post dea psl aqw huhu btl2 aqw rasaa bslh tp teda niat aqw mao sakitkn aty qw n kcwa kn qw huhu tp ene lh yg trbaek antra kitaa even aqw sndiri ndamao ene trjadi huhu SORRY DADY !!!!!!!
mamy . . .
I love you so much . .
Do not think like that . .
from my heart, I really love you . .
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Mymy Lee . . .   <--- :(
I love her so much . .
but I know that someone love her more then me . .
better I let her go, to someone who is more loved and love her . .
I happy if she happy to . .

o(╥﹏╥)o o(╥﹏╥)o o(╥﹏╥)o o(╥﹏╥)o  

# aqw mao qw tao bhwa aqw TERPAKSA bt sumaa neee ^ goodbyee DADY , ilysm :(( iloveyoumorethanyouloveme :((
*** lastly , thank you so much coz jagaa aqw sepanjang aqw exam huhu bg smngt , bg happy aqw hoho thnx sgt2 ^^ 

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